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About Us

Clonter & The Environment

Clonter is committed to playing its part in reducing its impact on the environment. To this end, we are applying for an Environmental Quality Mark Award.

What is Clonter doing already?

  • Solar panels
  • Plastic bottle free – We use Crag Spring Water from The Peak District. They supply in glass bottles, collect and reuse them.
  • ASH Waste – We changed suppliers to recycle as much as possible.
  • Switched to compostable plastic and coffee cups
  • Switched to low-energy bulbs throughout the theatre
  • Ended the use of wet wipes in the theatre
  • Insist that any external hirers use Enviro Skip, recyclable or compostable receptacles, and reusable festival glasses (saved 1,200 cups from landfill after the 2019 Crossover Festival)
  • Insist that caterers use local suppliers
  • Insist that caterers use environmentally friendly alternative to clingfilm
  • Reduced the use of plastic sleeves in our filing
  • Reuse lever arch files, ring binders and filing accessories
  • Switched to a more sustainable photocopier
  • Reuse printed matter as scrap paper
  • Ask companies not to send us unwanted printed matter or magazines by post
  • Target mailers and print only the number of leaflets needed for those mailers to reduce landfill
  • Use email and social media rather than printed matter as much as possible
  • Reuse banners and advertising boards with patches
  • Buy hand wash in bulk and top up existing dispensers
  • Moving to non-plastic tea bags and composting coffee beans in soil
  • Moved to 100% recycled toilet paper and proposing to remove paper towels from the theatre
  • Moved to eco versions of cleaning materials
  • Use local suppliers as much as possible
  • Recommend local businesses and tourism to our customers