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Fri 18 October 2024 – 3:00 pm

As part of Clonter’s 50th anniversary celebration, we are delighted to present Ravel’s Shéhérazade, in recognition of both Betty Bannerman and Jeffery Lockett’s love of this piece of music. This will be accompanied by a full French programme.

Please note that the Music Room at Clonterbrook is located just after or before the bend approaching Clonter Opera Theatre, on the opposite side of the road.

This event is free for Patrons of Clonter.


L’île heureuse – Six Mélodies – E. Chabrier
Les berceaux – Op 23 – G. Fauré
L’absente – C. Chaminade 
La diva de l’Empire – E. Satie
Fancy – FP 174 – F. Poulenc

Shéhérazade – M 41 – M. Ravel

Nocturne Y. Kiyose 5’ (piano solo)

Clair de lune – Op 83 n°1 – J. Szulc
Nuit d’étoiles – Cl. Debussy
Chanson triste – H. Duparc
S’il arrive jamais – Les heures claires – N. Boulanger 
Les chemins de l’amour – F. Poulenc

Emilie Cavallo – Soprano

French soprano Emilie Cavallo began her vocal studies at the Conservatoire de Toulon with Chantal Arnaud followed by a Bachelor in Music from the University of Aix en Provence. In 2017 she graduated with a Master of Arts (Distinction) from the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London under the tutelage of Jennifer Dakin and Jonathan Papp. In November 2016, she won the Very Highly Commended Prize at the Isabel Jay Competition. The following year she gained a place at the Royal Academy Opera where she studied with Nuccia Focile and Ingrid Surgenor. Roles with RAO include Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, Micaëla in Carmen, Iris in Semele and Brigitta in Iolanta. Roles on stage also include Agathe in Véronique by Messager with the Troupe Lyrique Méditerranéenne, Atala in Vent du Soir by Offenbach with L’Opéra au Village, Blanche in Les Mousquetaires au Couvent at the Opéra de Toulon and Clizia in Teseo at the London Handel Festival.​ She also sang Mélisande in Pelléas and Mélisande and Elle in La Voix Humaine with Opera on the Move at the Playground Theatre in London. On the concert platform, Emilie has performed in many concerts across Europe including the soprano solo in Schubert’s oratorio Mirjam’s Siegesgesang at theOpéra de Toulon, Mozart’s concert aria Bella mia fiamma at the Opéra de Toulon, La flûte enchantée from Shéhérazade and L’air de Lia from L’enfant prodigue in Budapest’s Vigadó Hall with the Zugló Philharmonic Orchestra and many concerts of French music including at the London’s Italian Cultural Institute​.​

Satoshi Kubo – Accompanist

Japanese-born pianist Satoshi Kubo began his initial training in Oita, Japan. He is a distinguished graduate of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris, studying with Itamar Golan, Jeff Cohen and Roger Muraro. He also discovered a passion for chamber music at the Festival Pablo Casals in Prades, where he worked as official class accompanist of its International Academy for several years. Kubo has been awarded numerous prizes, including the Prix de Duo Chant-Piano and the Rainier III de Monaco at the 6th Concours International de Chant-Piano Nadia et Lili Boulanger along with soprano Raquel Camarinha; and the Grand Prix at the Forum Musical International de Normandie, along with cellist Hee-Young Lim. Now based in London, Kubo works as a freelance pianist and opera répétiteur. He was a 2017-18 Young Artist at the National Opera Studio in London, generously supported by the Nomura Foundation during that time. He regularly collaborates with singers and works internationally for major and independent opera companies, including the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden, the Royal Opera House, The Opera Story, and New Sussex Opera. Since 2018, he has worked as coach for the Jette Parker Young Artists Programme, Royal Opera House. His most recent work is researching the Takuboku songbook composed by Yasuji Kiyose, and the use of the Japanese language in art song performance.

Jennifer George – Flute

Jennifer George is a freelance musician who plays with various orchestras in the UK, including the BBC Philharmonic, CBSO, Hallé and Opera North. She has been a member of the Clonter Sinfonia since 2009.


About Betty Bannerman

Betty Bannerman was a distinguished mezzo soprano who enjoyed a career spanning some seven decades, latterly as a teacher.

She specialised in French song and was a pupil and friend of the great French mezzo Claire Croiza. Bannerman’s own voice ranged from low G to the high A flat. She had a rich, warm tone and exemplary diction in whatever language she was singing. A regular soloist at the Three Choirs Festivals before and after the Second World War, she sang in the Elgar oratorios and in choral works by Kodáy, Lambert, Mendelssohn and Bliss. She gave more than 200 solo recitals for the BBC; she was a soloist in Bach Passions conducted by Vaughan Williams at the Leith Hill Festivals and worked often with such conductors as Ansermet, Beecham, Goossens and Boult. Besides French song, she excelled in German Lieder, Old Italian songs and the English repertoire from Purcell to Britten. Bannerman spent six months in Berlin with Lilli Lehmann and made a special study of lieder with von Zur Mühlen. Her first important London recital was at the Aeolian Hall in 1927. The next year she attended a Croiza recital, which made such an impression that she immediately asked to become her pupil, and for the next 10 years studied with her for a month every year.

(Extracts from piece written by Michael Kennedy, 2 March 1992, Daily Telegraph)

Ticket Pricing & Booking Information

Tickets £20, FREE for Patrons – Click here for details on how to become a Patron
Doors Open 2.30pm
Performance 3pm
Duration Approx. 1 hour

Ticket price includes post-performance tea, coffee and cake.


The Music Room at Clonterbrook House, Swettenham Heath, Congleton, CW12 2LS